Thursday, August 21, 2008

What is Important to You?

Based on my poll, Biden seems to be the front runner for veep. Hopefully today will be the day when we can put this anticipation to rest. But, Obama seems to be spending a whole lot of time in Virginia. Now I am not so sure about my guess. Even my taxi cab driver agreed with me.

So many headlines, so little time! One thing is for sure, yet again, McCain is attracting attention to Obama on issues that don't have relevance. Money is being spent on advertising that is silly and childish. Let's focus on what really matters - healthcare, foreign policy, and the economy. What about the hundreds of thousands of Americans that have experienced foreclosure? This morning, a family in Tennessee mourns the much too early death of their child. Are we safe anywhere anymore? Perhaps McCain can try and focus on what really matters.

Signing off from BWI Airport headed to Birmingham, Stephanie

1 comment:

Trevor said...

you want McCain to focus on what matters? If you turned on any news station today you couldn't avoid Obama's ad attacking McCain because McCain couldn't recall how many houses he owned! Who the hell cares! I think both candidates need to stay on the issues, but, as history has shown, in all likelyhood neither one will focus on the issues.