Monday, August 18, 2008

Are You Getting a Text from Obama?

The Vice President guessing game is starting to get fun. Strong, positive anticipation is a key ingredient in any successful campaign. And, if you choose, you can be one of the lucky Dems that receive a text message with Obama’s pick before the rest of the world hears the big news. His strategists are amazing. This is the first campaign to ever crack this amount of anticipation via a text message. And, what a brilliant idea it is. Sending a mass text is easy, affordable and a genius way to collect more phone numbers. Another key to any decent campaign. Obama’s campaign is a movement. And, as a loyal Hillary fan, volunteer, and supporter, I give his team a lot of credit! I want to see him win now more than ever.

MarketWatch blogger Russ Britt breaks down the situation. If you want the play-by-play, click here. Here are his picks:

* VA Govenor Tim Kaine
* IN Senator Even Bayh
* NY Senator Hillary Clinton
* KA Govenor Kathleen Sebelius
* DE Senator Joe Biden
* Former SD Senator Tim Daschle
* NE Chuck Hagel – YES, a Republican

I would have to agree. Britt sums it up nicely. Most important, Obama needs someone with foreign policy experience. He needs someone seasoned; with just the right amount of experience but not someone with so much DC experience that it would take away from true CHANGE. And, if I could choose Obama’s veep, I would choose Hillary Clinton. I have been with Hillary for more than 3 years – stuffing envelops, knocking on doors, making phone calls, and sleeping on gymnasium floors in New Hampshire to canvass in below freezing temperatures.

I am rooting for her and think she is the most qualified. But, I am putting my money on Joe Biden. Reality is reality. I would love to see a woman in the White House. But, when we look at where Hillary is headed – a possible run in 2012 – and Joe’s previous attempts, foreign policy experience, and energy, it just makes the most sense.

Who do you think is Obama’s pick for veep? My sources tell me a text message will be going out Friday. Join in on the fun and be one of the first to know Barack's pick!

Remember, keep your phone close and on. T.G.I.A.F. – Thank goodness it’s almost Friday, right?

Your convention girl, Stephanie


Trevor said...

I think you were right to support Clinton, as she would have won against McCain. Obama, as recent polls have shown, will have a much harder time winning. It seems that the more voters get to really know Obama, the less they like him.

I am concerned about those who are impressed by and want to follow Obama's "movement." There is no doubt that Obama is a great and inspirational speaker. But, my concern is that the last time a group so passivly accepted the words of a leader and followed a "movement" a nation ended up being lead by facists. I'm not implying anything, rather I wish Obama would make less vague statements about how much we need change and instead would make more concrete statements on his opinions on issues.

I know where McCain stands, but Obama is much more a question.

Trevor said...

btw, I am excited to follow your blog. I may disagree with some of your opinions, but I still respect what you are doing. Good luck!

Stephanie said...

I do understand where you are coming from too! But, just remember Obama will have a TEAM of Dems to help him through the tough times. The President is a PR role. I mean, think about it. They do the shmoozing, they are the "face" of the country. But, the actual decisions are by a TEAM. We need Dems back in the White House.

Think about everything that comes along with another possible Republican president. Not a pretty thought.

And, thanks for your 2nd comment. This is a once in a life time experience. I hope you enjoy my blog.

Trevor said...

I strongly disagree with your statement that decisions are made by a team. The people elect a President to be the final decision maker on his/her own.

Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution states that, "[the President] may require the Opinion, in writing, of the principal Officer in each of the executive Departments, upon any Subject relating to the Duties of their respective Offices." In other words, the President certainly can seek the advice and aid of those around him/her but the absolute responsibility for the decisions falls on the President's shoulders.

The vote is for Obama or McCain, not for team Obama or team McCain. I do not know who is on Obama's team. If he wants to come out and say who his advisors are, the I can go and elect a team (and if he picks Reverend Wright as part of his team... then yikes!!).

If you want to talk about teams in government you can talk about the legislative or judicial branches. In both of those branches, decisions are made by teams.

In my opinion, a few years as a community volunteer, a few years as a state senator and less than one term as a U.S. senator do not qualify one for the awsome decision making responsibility that comes with being president of the United States.

During these difficult times I would much rather trust my nation to an individual with 24 years experience in the military, 4 years experience in the House of Representatives, and 22 years experience in the U.S. Senate.

Avram Polinsky said...

"But 20 years of experience that has not been very solid in terms of projecting what was going to happen just doesn't make you a better commander-in-chief. We don't need as a commander-in-chief a war hero. John's a war hero. We need someone with some wisdom".

In the words of someone who actually has good ideas of how to make America stronger and safer.

Trevor said...

So now John McCain doesn't have any wisdom? Who is that quote from? And who says Obama is chock full o' wisdom. wisdom is not something inate in us when we are born (or brough upon the world from God as some would believe about Obama). Intelligence is inate (and I am sure both Obama and McCain are very intelligent. Wisdom, on the other hand, comes from a life full of experiences, mistakes and lessons. Certainly McCain has had vastly more opportunities to gain wisdom than Obama.

Give me one reason that Obama would make a better commander in chief than McCain? One good one. Because he didn't support the war? You mean, when he wasn't even in an elected position, when a vast majority of people in the nation supported the war? Common, I don't see how 4 years in the senate and a few years working in chicago makes Obama any more qualified to be commander in chief then me or you. McCain is the ranking member of the Senate Armed Forces Committee (which has 25 members, none of which are named Obama. btw, Clinton and Bayh are both on the committe... Biden and Obama are not.) McCain earned the rank of Captain in the Navy after serving many brave years as a pilot and prisoner of war. McCain has the experiences and gained the wisdom neccesary to be an excellent commander in chief.

Now, I ask you again, give me one good reason Obama would be a better commander in chief than McCain.

Trevor said...

Av, you know if you quote someone without using his or her name it is considered plagarism. I'm sure Senator Biden could have told you that. Now who said that quote again?

Avram Polinsky said...

The quote is from Biden and I was being ironic.